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Explore the Delta
First-class amenities, beautiful scenery, & more!
Hours of Operation
Saturday & Sunday: 8AM - 5PM, Tuesday - Wednesday: 9AM - 1PM, Friday 9AM - 5PM
Tower Park Marina contains 285 slips - most of which are covered - 45 inside dry boat storage units, 107 outside dry boat storage spaces, a boat launch ramp, a fuel dock with two pumps (pay at the pump), trailer storage, and pump-out service.
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Our California Delta marina offers a variety of amenities to make your boating experience more convenient and hassle-free!
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Local Attractions
Is this your first time visiting Tower Park Marina or the Northern California area? Check out some awesome nearby attractions in Lodi and Stockton, as well as a variety of nearby wineries!
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About Us
Tower Park Resort and Marina is located in Central California along the meandering byways of the California Delta. The Delta is one of the largest estuaries in western North America formed at the western edge of the Central Valley by the convergence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, just east of where the rivers enter the San Francisco Bay. Some 500 species of plants and animals call the Delta home. Including land and water surface area, the Delta is roughly 1,100 square miles.